News: 28th May 2024

Duncan Baker-Brown Guest Editor of the Futurebuild Newsletter

Duncan Baker-Brown is the guest editor of the latest Futurebuild Industry Insider Newsletter.

"After over 25 years campaigning for low carbon sustainable design in the construction sector, I believe that now is the time for our industry to collectively lobby government for the legislative changes required to meet our net zero carbon targets. Why now? Well put simply, we now know what to do and we are now all working together like never before. Our industry currently has, in effect, a consensus for a whole life carbon descent plan. We also have more than enough guides to low carbon design - although I am very excited about the soon to be published UK Net Zero Carbon Buildings Standard which could be a game changer. What we don’t have is the legislation and financial incentives to encourage, nurture and crucially to sustain, say, a creative retrofit industry creating 100,000’s of new green jobs. Now is the time for collective action!"

Listen to Duncan on the futurebuild podcast below:

Episode 1 - Changing the Climate of Architecture

Read Duncan's opinion piece "It's Time to Act Now" Below:

Opinion Piece - It's Time to Act Now

Subscribe to the Futurebuild Newsletter below:
